

The endpoint nodes for your pages (of whatever type) will be defined by your data source. By default this corresponds to the structure of folders and files in your content/ folder, for example:
  • content/index.json =
  • content/blog/post1.json =
  • content/events/My_Event.json =
If you want to have a content source without a path (no node endpoint that site visitors can access), simply delete the corresponding svelte template in layouts/content/. You can do this automatically use the "endpoint" flag when creating a new type, for example: plenti new type YOUR_TYPE --endpoint=false

Overriding Paths

You can overide the default path structure in the site's configuration file (plenti.json). For example if you had a type called pages and you wanted it to appear at the top level of the site and not in the format, you could add the following to plenti.json:

"routes": {
  "pages": "/:filename"

This would allow a content file located at content/pages/page1.json to appear in the following format:

You can use any custom key that you define in your content source, e.g. :title, :date, etc. in your path, for example:

"routes": {
  "blog": "/blog/:fields(author)/:fields(title)"